Why is my asset replacement / warranty / OS upgrade not showing up in the IT budget?
There are many possible reasons why an asset action would not show up in the IT Budget. Here's a list of the general rules used to determine if an action makes it to the budget.
Remember: every Company's Asset Category is customizable. The values from one company are not necessarily the values in another company since the account's Asset Category templates get copied over when you first access a company.
Budget Actions Early
All three main policies have the ability to be budgeted early by a certain number of months. For example, if the Asset's End of Life date is set to July 1st and the budget early setting is set to 4 months, then the replacement action will be budgeted on March 1st. This only affects the budgeted actions, not the Asset's expiration itself, but it may cause the action to change quarter, or even year.
Warranty Renewal
Warranty Renewal actions are only considered if:
- The Asset's (calculated or manually set) End of Life is in the future
- The Asset's current Warranty Expiration Date is set
- The applicable Warranty Coverage Policy is either "Until End of Life" or "For X Years".
- If the applicable Warranty Coverage Policy is set to "For X years", the Asset's Purchase Date is set
- The time between the current Warranty Expiration Date and the Asset's End of Life respects the Asset Category's "Renew warranty only if more than ___ months until asset end of life" setting
- The Asset is not a Virtual Asset
The dates on which the Warranty Renewal actions are scheduled in the budget are affected by the "budgeting buffer" setting set in the Asset Category's settings. For example, if you set renewal to be budget 3 months in advance, then the date will the Warranty Expiration date minus 3 months.
Note: This may cause the action to appear in (overdue) actions if the warranty is set to expire in less than the number of month set.
The renewal amount will be calculated based on the number of years to buy and the yearly renewal amount set. For example, if we can buy 3 years of warranty at a yearly annual cost of $150, then $450 will be budgeted every 3 years until the Asset's End of Life is reached. The last renewal could very well be for only 1 or 2 years though.
OS Upgrade
OS Upgrade actions are only considered if:
- The Asset's (calculated or manually set) End of Life is in the future
- The Asset's current OS End of Life Date is set
- The applicable "OS End of Life Policy" is "In-place Upgrade"
- The time between the OS End of Life Date and the Asset's End of Life respects the Asset Category's "Upgrade OS only if more than ___ months until asset end of life" setting
End of Life
Asset's End of Life replacement are only considered if:
- The applicable "End of Life Policy" is "Replace"
The End of Life date is affected by multiple factors:
- The Asset's Purchase Date + the defined Lifespan gives the calculated End of Life of the Asset.
- If the "OS End Of Life Policy" is set to "Force End of Life", than the Asset's End of Life will be the earliest date between the calculated End of Life and the OS End of Life date.
- If the "OS End Of Life Policy" has option "Force End of Life for Others" checked and the difference between Asset's calculated End of Life and the OS End of Life is smaller than the specified buffer, the End of Life asset will be set the OS End of Life date.
Note: This may cause the date to be in the past and the budget actions to appear in the (overdue) section.
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